Sunday 14 February 2016


For many years, Old Rex Cucur Udang has been the no.1 go to place for me whenever craving for belachan bi hun, golden crispy cucur udang (prawn crackers) and sweet spicy chilli sauce with crushed peanuts. Also one of Kuching citizens' favourite eats during tea time - a bowl of abc or special, rojak, sotong kangkung, belachan bi hun and cucur. This place has it all.

One interesting and refreshing drink they sell here is the Ngo Mi Teng.

It contains barley seeds, agar-agar, nata de coco, and fruits topped off with syrup and shaven ice. This is perfect for a hot day as it is cooling to the body as well. It was a light and sweet drink, and you could smell and taste a slight fruity fragrance in the syrup.

Old Rex Cucur Udang also sells other delicious drinks such as Special, ABC, Cendol and the other typical tea time refreshers to go with your cucur udang.

Next, a not to miss delicacy when eating at Old Rex. It's the belachan bi hun.

This brown savoury broth is full of flavour, you wouldn't want to miss a single drop of it. It was rich and of a thick-like consistency, filled with dried shrimp goodness and the belachan which made the broth slightly sweet. The beansprouts and cucumber strips complimented this dish perfectly as well. The squid pieces were very soft too. This dish can also be ordered with preserved egg also known as century egg.

This is the famous cucur udang.

Each cracker were deep fried then cut up into quarters. It was cooked till crispy, and even the prawn shells could be eaten. The batter had a nice savoury taste to it, with a hint of prawn flavour. When eaten with the chilli sauce, adds a nice sweet spicy kick to this cracker.

Their chilli sauce was also delicious, and flavourful enough. It wasn't too spicy either, and goes well with almost any of the deep fried food they sold at this cucur stall. A generous amount of crushed peanuts would be also given when requested.

This stall sells many other types of deep fried delicacies but some of the recommended items other than the prawn crackers are the dragon head, cheese tofu, seafood tofu and bishop's nose.

Come try these famous local tea time delicacies at the famous Old Rex Cucur Udang, and taste them for yourself. Definitely the no.1 place to go to for delicious belachan bi hun and crisp to perfection prawn crackers.

Old Rex Cucur Udang Cafe
437-438, Rubber Road 
93400, Kuching, 
Sarawak, Malaysia.

Opens everyday from 6.30am to 5pm except Mondays.

This is Jolynn signing off this week's episode on The Makan Post. Stay tuned for more.


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