Monday 8 February 2016


Last weekend, I had the absolute best time in Amsterdam. My society in the university course I was doing hosted an event that led us all to be brought on a trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands. I could not have such a great time if it weren't for the people who organised it and the friends I've made on the trip and the friends that were on the trip with me. So I like to thank them in this post.

I would like to share some pictures of my trip as well as the restaurant we've been to. It was only two nights so we were only able to go to two restaurants.

The very first one was a total find. It was hidden in between streets as we were walking down the main road. First of all I have to say, the closer you get to the city centre, it gets even more enchanting as time passes. Most of the houses were centuries old, and the streets were made of cobbled stones and there were numerous bridges above the canals of water. I could literally feel being transported back in time as I walked along the stone pavements and the tall streetlights lining across the roads, brought a definite old feel to it.

As we walked into the small restaurant, the owner came to greet us warmly, exchanging friendly banter with us, asking about our day and how we were. I think he was very used to tourist as I realized the place was on tripadvisor. It also mean that we were very lucky to stumble across such an authentic and delightful place like this.

We, of course ordered dutch food. Mind you, it was pricey, around 12 euros and above for each dishes. So it would be probably less than ten pounds. We were served very quickly, and the food was in large quantity.

We had beef stew, pork sausage stew called stamppott.The food was sublime. The beef was cooked to where it was so easy to tear the meat apart and was sitting on pool of it's own sauce. The pork sausage stew was the same, cooked well with smashed potatoes and onion and carrots. This was the typical dutch cuisine. Meat mixed with boiled smashed potatoes and onions and vegetables.

Croquettes were also ordered, it's a small ball of minced meat fried in breadcrumbs. This was a dutch veal croquette, something I had never had before in my life. So it was an interesting dish. It had a creamy texture inside, like they had minced the meat along with some potatoes and spices. The outer layer was crunchy, but somehow not oily. Even though I had taken awhile to eat the fries and the croquettes, it was still crispy which tells me that it was freshly made and made well. Not unlike the staleness we get from other fried french fries over a period of time.

Overall I really like the authenticity of the restaurant. It was small but cozy. It had wooden walls as well as furniture. It also had a really cool looking bar, and the decor of the place was nicely done.

I really recommend this place if you ever want to take a visit to Amsterdam. I'll continue my accounts of the trip in another post.

This is a link to their tripadvisor page:

Begijnensteeg 6-8
1012PN Amsterdam
The Netherlands


This is Sharon, signing off this week post. Stay tune for more to check out our food adventures.

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