Saturday 20 February 2016


Amsterdam is well known for a lot of things. Scenery, food, people. Red Light District. Of course we cannot leave out the fact of the legal use of marijuana in Amsterdam. The places known for smoking weed and selling them were nicknamed coffee houses, some of them actually selling coffee as well. Though their joints are infamous, it cannot be overlooked on the fact that their coffee should also deserve the praise. Most of the coffee I tried in Amsterdam is delicious. Smooth to the taste, rich and creamy, aromatic. The most notable place I've been was The Coffee company. I never had such good coffee in my life, and I don't think I'll have any better.

I've also had the chance to eat cold cut sandwiches from a local shop in Amsterdam. It was serve on freshly baked brown bread, with slices of pastrami, sauerkraut, mustard, and pickles. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the coffee or the deli sandwiches but I do however have a picture of the shop. I also have no idea where this place is located. I was happily following the group and eating the sandwiches before I remembered to take a picture of it, same with the coffee. Forgive me, I was hungry.

Well we spent the day, going about the city. The weather was great, visited cute antique shops, and the flower market as well. We visited the Rijks Musuem, which was wonderful. My feet ached by the time I finished.

For dinner, we dined at this Argentinian Restaurant, ordered a tenderloin steak, and believe me it's been months since I had a steak. I'm a student and I live on a budget. So I rarely have expensive meals, and steak is most definitely one of them.

It was tender, lean. The meat melts in your mouth almost, you don't have to chew very much. It was eaten with bearnaise sauce, a rich buttery sauce, emulsified by egg yolks, white vinegar and herbs. I had baked potato with mine, and a turnip salad dressed with vinaigrette.

I don't know where it is. We were just walking about and we found it in the city. We really like how it looked and went in. It was a spontaneous action and by the time the food came I really didn't care anymore.

If you're ever in Amsterdam, you should really try their coffee. It's absolutely is delicious. And bring back some stroopwaffles for friends and family. It's caramel filling between two waffle crusts. I cannot stop eating it.

This is Sharon posting this week's food adventure. Tune in week after week for more of our posts.

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