Sunday 10 January 2016


I recently headed back for a holiday in Kuching. It was fantastic, awesome food adventures with my buddies and just glorious food! Glorious food! I cannot stop smiling thinking about it. But now I'm back and I'm missing so much of it. (cries into my pillow)

So one of my most favorite dishes is eating desserts. I love sweets, every kind there is. It doesn't matter what cuisine, I will enjoy it. Probably shouldn't as much. But we got to live life right?

Ah Yeo's Ais Kacang, located in a happening spot called the Pondok Jubilee, is one famous stall selling all sorts of ais kacang. And when I say all sorts, I really do mean all sorts. Ah Yeo is famous for it's wide variety of desserts and refreshing drinks to choose from such as 'lady gaga', 'beyonce', 'spiderman' and many other names of artists. He has a long list of orders named after celebrities. This is the menu.

The Makan Post team with Uncle Ah Yeo Ais Kacang.

This uncle here has been working here for many years, and told us this stall has been operating since 1962. His wife, the one that does the drinks, is the eldest daughter in the family, thus, these recipes from generations were given to her and she was taught how to make these desserts, served today in Ah Yeo's. This uncle has also been updating the menu with recent trends to attract more customers, and that's what makes Ah Yeo special. He also knows what's best to recommend to his customers.

Here in Pondok Jubilee, you can find many stalls selling tea time snacks such as rojak, sotong kangkung, char kueh, belachan bi hun, char kueh tiaw and even sarawak laksa and kolo mee. But do choose your seat before ordering as some stalls wont serve their food if you're seating at another stall's area.

So we ordered ABC(original), Special, and one from the celebrity category, Taylor Swift. The Taylor Swift was really refreshing, with white jelly, barley, rambutan slices and a sweet honey like syrup to which I do not know what it is. It had a sweet and sour taste to it from the sour plum and honey like syrup. It is one drink to quench your thirst on a hot day.

The Special had many types of fruits in it, and normally you cant go wrong with this common drink, if you're a milk lover. It came with a generous amount of fruits and red syrup.

Here, jackfruits were also part of the fruits they had inside it. It was not too sweet and just right.

And then of course ABC, THE ULTIMATE AIS KACANG! My favourite!!

Red beans, cendol, grass jelly, santan, ice, syrups. It tasted really good with each component of it, going together so well. Oh my god, I think I'm drooling.

It was a satisfying and refreshing tea time for this episode on The Makan Post. Now it's your turn to give this place a try.

Opens from Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 4.30pm.

Ah Yeo Ais kacang
Jubilee Hawker Centre
Jalan Tan Sri Datuk William Tan,
Kuching, Sarawak.


This is Sharon signing off this week's episode on The Makan Post. Stay tuned for more episodes coming your way.

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